We yachted the shiiiiit outta it, well it was docked, but it was floating!!
God we were so pimping and probably embarrassed Cillian with out behaviour :P
And for some reason, everyone thought it would be a great idea to wear stripes... oh god, we are so sad PEOPLE!!
I also cudnt resist "im flyyyyyying Jack...." oh dear.
We kinda just ate loads of stuff, Aidan made unreal pasta and I made mystery cookies, there was so much food, i think everyone felt a bit seasick afterwards.... or else gluttony got the better of us...
My mystery cookies were great, i substituted almost all the ingredients in the recipe, ever have nutella and bourbon cream chip cookies?
I also was really convinced I was going to lose a shoe. but I didnt, phew!!
next time, hookers and coke...Jenny