Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I had an unreal day today!!

We yachted the shiiiiit outta it, well it was docked, but it was floating!!

God we were so pimping and probably embarrassed Cillian with out behaviour :P
And for some reason, everyone thought it would be a great idea to wear stripes... oh god, we are so sad PEOPLE!!
I also cudnt resist "im flyyyyyying Jack...." oh dear.

We kinda just ate loads of stuff, Aidan made unreal pasta and I made mystery cookies, there was so much food, i think everyone felt a bit seasick afterwards.... or else gluttony got the better of us...
My mystery cookies were great, i substituted almost all the ingredients in the recipe, ever have nutella and bourbon cream chip cookies?

I also was really convinced I was going to lose a shoe. but I didnt, phew!!

next time, hookers and coke...Jenny

entrepreneur.... nah, im a scientist....

I was having lunch with two guy friends last week, and they starting talking about business ideas, which were really good (except the harp on top of the building thing, lol) and I thought God, Ive never thought about business ideas really, which made me feel slightly abnormal....

That was until I realised a few days later that not all people in primary school asked the teacher what humans would have looked like if the atmospheres oxygen was changed by a percentage or so... or ask the first year science teacher was carbon monoxide more toxic than carbon dioxide because of the double content of carbon compared to oxygen between the tewo and the exchange rate in the lungsof both. ha.

I Guess not all people are entrepreneurs.... Ill just invest my neuroscience money in shares in their businesses.

God, we are all great, Jenny

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Just remembered something, I don't know how "normal" an ad people will find this but, on Fathers Day, my famille and I, were in our mobile home in Courtmac, sun splitting the stones as the saying goes and some radio station was on... and it being Fathers Day had a day of "dad rock" Dylan, Simon and all that stuff, which is the ideal way to spend a sunday in the sun, reading trashy mags and wearing oversized sunglasses... anyway... tangent. This ad comes on the radio... heard it a few times during the day, no lie.

"are you having ERECTION TROUBLES??? blah blah ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION is common among many men over 40 etc etc blah blah if you have ERECTION PROBLEM,*insert some actress talking bout her husbands intimacy problems* I'll just mention erections a few more times."

thats strange, no?

ps, just watching Ciaras new vid Work, shes some hoe. love it. Shes got thigh high Glads on. And shes rivaling Bee with her somewhat ghetto dance moves.

Not the time for writers block...

As a general rule, I hate blogs... but instead of a sympathy post I got offered on (its good, check it oot) I decided why not join the blogging nation. And with no real direction or purpose for starting one... I struggled reading with the word verification (wtf?!) and used my universal password (whoopsy, if that got out, would probably be catastrophic!) AND WAYHEY im a blogger...
Self hatred bubbling already.. not really Im great.

I should probably start with some of my bookmarked blogs/sites... (and associated)

Ah, Ill figure out how to blogroll...

Anyway.. the blog.
I guess its gonna be the stuff noone will listen to me about, haha. And some inner workings of my cortex...
Some music stuff to rival Cillian (ha, you'll see!)

And how I passing from day to night, fighting and breathing and living in the world...

Jenny vs World... wonder who's gonna win, and more importantly... whats the prize gonna be

Peace, Jenny